Tuesday, December 16, 2014

A Firefighter Speaks To The Police

Over and over I hear my friends that are police officers lament the current “attack” on the reputations of police officers.  Each is personally offended that officers are being painted in such a bad light.  Each pointing out all the good they are doing in the word. So let me just say, yes I know that most officers are great people attempting to make a difference in the world.

Dear Police Officers,

The problems you are facing are not a public relations issue. Members of the public have viewed literally dozens of videos of police abusing citizens over the past few weeks.  Ignoring the problem only makes the public think you are somehow involved. The time has come to tear down the ”blue wall of silence” within police culture that leads officers to always defend the actions of the police.  While you may be a good cop, if you defend officers or remain silent about those who engage in violence against the population, you are also part of the problem.

The public can see from the media that there is a real problem and no amount of police PR videos showing police saving cute kittens is going to make this problem go away.  Our community needs our honorable officers to stand up and make clear that no longer will the cultural norm of supporting officers no matter what stand.  It is your job to serve and protect.

Officers all over the country have decided that the police are qualified to sit in judgment, determine guilt and dispense punishment.  Such actions are criminal; our system provides that the courts serve that role.  If you want the populace to place your profession among the honorable pursuits, then you must act with honor at all times when in uniform. You are the solution to the current crisis; your ability to return to believing that even officers are subject to our laws must be made clear.

The fact that you personally would never assault a suspect does not release you from responsibility.  You must also move forward and hold your co-workers accountable.  If you do not begin the process of removing the bricks that make up the “blue wall of silence” your efforts to have your profession once again respected will fall on deaf ears.

Act now for justice, for accountability, for building a new view of policing that honors those you are sworn to protect.

Peter Dybing
Chief Officer

Reposted from my original post on Face Book at a friends suggestion.

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